Jardin Paysan
Gardening and self sufficiency in France.
Gardening, gardens, home grown produce and seasonal food - for those who love the pace of life in rural France

Welcome to Jardin Paysan, a website for people who love French gardens and all things relating to them. Whether your passion be potagers, parterres or poulalliers we hope there will be something of interest to you as we amble through the gardening year - sharing our experiences as we go.
Follow us via our blog, regular newsletter, and this website. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram.
We have no paywalls, so subscribe and the newsletter will be delivered to your inbox for free; and you will remain up to date with the French gardening year as it unfolds.

Looking for inspiration?.........
Beautiful private gardens throughout France which are open to the public. The funds raised are used to support disabled and seriously ill children and young people. Click below to find gardens near you to visit....or contact the organisation if you would like to open your own garden to the public.
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